Monday, September 15

Absent Family Member

The Lone Upright Male is not here. He is always the first one to stir in the morning. He comes into the large room, crushes aromatic beans, and makes a hot liquid with them.

This morning, the Preferred Upright Female was the first to stir. She was the one to make the hot drink. The Secondary Upright Females came into the large room, and soon after, all 3 females were gone. The Lone Male never appeared.

There is one other Upright Female in the family. I call her the Intermittent. At one time, she resided in this house on a regular basis. Then she became an infrequent resident. When the weather became hot once more, I thought she was again a permanent resident, only to realize that the infrequent status was correct. The room containing the Intermittent's bed is my favorite. It features 2 windows to nap in the sun and is always quiet, even when she is in residence.

I believe I will make use of one of those windows now.