Wednesday, November 12

Favorite Things

My favorite things have started to appear. There is a soft blue covering that appears when the days grow short. It is always close to my Preferred One and usually remains on the couch at night. Sometimes she shares it with the Lone Male or one of the two younger females. Those two have coverings of their own. In fact, the older of the two recently acquired an especially nice one. It smells vaguely like the Intermittent One (who made an appearance at the same time) so I suspect she is responsible for its presence. These coverings are so warm to sleep on. I think I will go see if there is one available.


dhcoop said...

Gracie, Ringo and Scooter know exactly how you feel. They vie for places on my froggy fleece every night. I think I'll bring out another one for their use tonight just because you posted this.